I'm a geek. There I said it. I have always been. My fandoms have evolved, changed, morphed over time. Sometimes I fall back to the old loves, sometimes I move on and find something new to obsess over. I'm a geek and a crafter. When you put these 2 things together you tend to get a mass explosion of creative wonderfulness that lets you share your loves with the world. I enjoy making things that reflect my interests/obsessions. Sometimes I enjoy making things that reflect others interests too.
I LOVE EDGAR ALLAN POE. I have loved him since I was in 7th grade English and had my first taste of his macabre writing. I have made a few things in tribute to him, but not long ago I made what I consider my Poe masterpiece. A small collage quilt of his likeness. It was my first go at collage quilting. I have others planned, but as he was so time consuming I have yet to tackle my next subject.
Little bits of fabric where glued onto a base sketch on muslin and then I used my machine to free motion thread sketch over that. It was so time consuming, but so worth it. Edgar now resides on my library wall along with other handmade and purchased pieces in his honor.
I also made a prayer candle for my E.A. Poe sanctuary. (and yes that is a real taxidermy Raven
straight from England)
Doctor Who is one of my other loves. I've made several things and have something pretty spectacular in the works. I can't wait to share, but alas it is not finished. I built this TARDIS from bits of paper cut on a friend's Cricut machine. Forty Five minutes of gluing tiny bits of paper! I gave it to a special friend and must make myself another.
Making geeky cakes is fun too! My sister turned 16 and love Steven Universe. I made this giant 4 layer cake. Each layer was a different color to match a character along with the gems on the top made of candy. I'm not super familiar with the fandom, but with a little research it turned out super fun!
Another fandom I don't know much about is Supernatural. I know a ton of people that adore it and will eventually immerse myself in it, but right now I got to much on my plate. That doesn't stop me from baking a rad license plate cake for a friend. With the help of a carpenter friend I made her a Devil's trap box for her prop obsession too.

I made a few Doctor Who zipper pouches and a Walking Dead tote bag for some friends as well. Sharing geeky gear is what makes me smile the most!
These are just a few of the geeky arts and crafts I've completed lately. They make me smile and remind me everyday why I am a maker. Now I'm off to work on something and enjoy my day. Why don't you create something today too? Geeky or not give it a go! Why Not!