I have a dog. Lots of people have dogs. I take having a dog very seriously. I don't just own a dog, we made the conscious decision to add a member to the family. No matter how many times I've had to say goodbye to my beautiful little fur babies I always make the decision to add another to the family. Saying goodbye to a pet is every bit as hard as saying goodbye to a human family member. I've had to do it several times in my life and not a week goes by that I don't remember that amazing little spirit inside what was once my best friend in the whole wide world, but even though I know that I will face something heartbreaking someday I will never not have a dog. What would the world be without their enduring unconditional love? The house feels empty when there isn't 4 feet padding around.
My first dog of my very own, Gizzmo. This is the day I got him! He lived to be 16 years old and became not only my dog, but my little sisters as well. |
Some people might remember Merlin J. Phineas Alberto. Big name for a little dog, but his personality matched that name. He has been gone almost 3 years, but not a day goes by I don't think of that little fur ball. |
I can tell many stories of how each little fur baby has touched my heart, but I want to share a little story about the big one that has won me over.
Thora Anna |
After Merlin left us I was devastated. Avinell was old enough to know he was gone and it was hard for her too. We waited several months before considering getting a dog again. It was painful to think about it, but I had the most overwhelming feeling that it was of utmost importance to make sure my child had a dog. She needed to know the love of a pet, the responsibility, the never ending companion ship. It became so important to me that I started to research. My husband had a beloved dog when he was growing up too, a German Short Haired Pointer. I've always had smaller dogs, but was open to anything. During my research I looked at adoptable dogs and dogs from breeders. I understand some people aren't comfortable with purchasing a pet from a breeder, but I won't go into that aspect. All I will say is it was right for my family. We found the most amazing, loving, and caring breeders in the world! They not only took the time to educate me about a dog breed I was unfamiliar with, but have been right there with us every step of the way! Even putting up with my silly questions about minor skin rashes! They genuinely care for each and every puppy they share with the world and want them to have the best and give their best to each family.

When we picked Thora up she was a tiny little brown pup and of course I was in love. She grew quickly and her bond with my husband was much stronger than her bond with me. She is a hunting dog by breed and because he takes her out to train and hunt of course she is his dog through and through. Thora enjoyed my pets and the fact that I would throw the toys, feed her and do all those dog owner type things, but she really only had eyes for her Dad. Then I started to see the relationship that was blossoming between this all legs silly girl and my two legged kiddo.
Blanket Fort! |
Avinell was two when we added Thora to our family. Their bond wasn't immediate because as a puppy Thora was very wild! Avinell was often intimidated of those long legs bounding around. Over the last year though as Thora has calmed out of her puppy stage and Avinell has grown up their bond has become so amazing. Thora has become the best friend I always wanted my little girl to have.

Thora craves attention from her sister! She will gladly race down the steps to kiss Avinell's face in the morning when I give her the command to "wake up sissy". Thora wanted to help when Sissy fell and bumped her head so she stayed on the couch with her while she recouped.
This is a nightly routine. Snuggles until sleeping. Then Mom gets to move a sleeping child from under a sleeping dog! |
Thora is her protector, her best friend, her sister. I resigned myself to being 3rd in the pack. You know what, that is perfectly fine with me. Seeing them together and how perfect it is I wouldn't have it any other way. Lately though I've been receiving a little more love and cuddles from that pup. I think we have come to an understanding. I love her for what she is and she thinks I'm pretty comfy.