Monday, June 27, 2011

Bubbles And Silly Face

I thought I'd share a couple of new paintings I've done in the past little bit.

First off is "Silly Face". I painted her for Heidi (Digital Misfit). Mixed media on water color paper. I had fun playing with colors and layers.
Silly Face
Next up is one I just finished today. I had started sketching it weeks ago. Felt like finishing it up today while I was sitting outside at the patio table. I call her "Bubbles".
This isn't the best photo as it has a lot more dimension in real life. It looks a bit washed out here. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. I was just having fun creating!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Leopold The Lion Tamer

We interrupt this regularly schedules WIP Sunday to post a FINISHED project!

A certain super snazzy lady mentioned the other day that she was about to run away and join the circus. I couldn't resist helping her dreams come true!
Meet Leopold the lion tamer. A mustachioed cousin for Jacques the French sailor. I think he makes a very dandy ring master to lead the circus!
Leopold The Lion Tamer

I just hope OMP doesn't get too jealous when this dashing man arrives on Pam's doorstep!
Leopold The Lion Tamer
He'll be hoping on the circus train tomorrow and heading for Kitty Kill's neck of the woods! Here's to dreaming big and joining the circus! ;)

Friday, June 24, 2011


One of my favorite things about my yard are my planters. Since I work in the green house I get to plant them up early and enjoy them late into the season. The Hubby also loves planting our planters up, which is nice because I don't always have the time! He has become a great designer and even sold some that he has planted. I thought I'd share some of my fave planters today. I have a LOT of them in my yard so I just picked out a few to share.
What A View
When looking out my window above my sink in the kitchen I end up staring right into our large fence. It is better than looking at what is next door, but I thought it was pretty boring still. I designed this planter combo to pretty up the fence. Not only is this one of my fave combos, but I love the planter that it is in.
Walk On Up
My Hubby adores coleus. They are such a fun and interesting plant. Each year he plants up these four pots to line the walk up to our back door. He uses a few other fillers to trail and twenty different kinds of coleus! They are gorgeous and so welcoming.
Very True Indeed
I have an old potting bench (long story of its origin lol) that I love to pieces. I keep my collection of agave and cactus here all summer before bringing them in for the winter. I also think it fits in perfectly with the statement on the plaque. ;)
This is also another of my fave places in the yard. It is on the inside of the back yard. Our little Asian inspired area. LOL My yard is as eclectic as I am! Our beautiful hops vine (yes the stuff in beer) and our Asian themed planters, Buddhas and pagodas.

Planters really do make the yard. I'm not just saying that because it is my job to design and sell them. ;) In our climate it is a great way to get instant beauty that can be enjoyed all summer long. It is also my way to stay a little artistic during our busy season when I just don't have time at home to be all that creative.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jacques The French Sailor

I sent a package to my friend Heidi (Digital Misfit) a while back and wanted to share what I made her. I thought she might be getting lonely without some male companionship so I mailed her a boyfriend! His name is Jacques and he is a handsome French sailor. I mean come on, who wouldn't fall in love with that mustache!
Jacques The French Sailor

Look how dashing he is!
Jacques Close Up
I must make more of these mustachioed gentlemen!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Moon Garden

In case you aren't familiar with a moon garden let me explain. It is a flower bed that incorporates all white (some people also add yellow and soft pink) flowers that are lovely to look at in the moonlight. I like to use mine as a sort of outdoor alter as well. A place to enjoy the moon light.

My moon garden is fairly small and I use only white flowers. We've made some wonderful improvements to it in the last few days as well. I try to use mainly perennials, but with so few white ones available I use annuals to fill in from year to year. I add new perennials each year and replace anything that is missing. This year was sort of a start over after having a couple of years where the weeds got the best of me.
Moon Garden
We added the lattice just the other day. I plan on growing white clematis on it next year, but for this year it has a few annual vines. Not sure they will get large, but it is something to grow there. The lattice also helps keep our patio a bit more private from the neighbors that only have a chain link fence between us. I can't wait for it to be full of clematis! You can also see my Lady of the Lake bird bath, a tribute to the Goddess. I also have a sitting fairy a friend gave me, my stainless steel gazing globe, and a fairy house my Mom gave me. Thinks look fairly newly planted, but later in the season it should be gorgeous.
Moon Garden Side

Fairies Welcome
I had to show a close up of the fairy house. My Mom gave it to me for my Birthday last year and I finally got to put it in it's place.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WIP Sunday: Never Fear, I Am Here!

I'm still here waging wars on the never ending weeds and trying to catch up on so much neglected house work. Another section of the back yard was completed and I'll be taking photos soon to share. The house is getting cleaner by the minute, except the poor crafty space! It was never fully put back together after the remodel and it is just a giant pit of despair now. :( I'll get to it all in good time.

In the mean time between weed battles I've been teaching and taking a few classes at the art center. I taught a clay toad house class, where the kids used clay to construct a mushroom style house that will be fired and painted to put in the yard as decor. Maybe a few toads will move in!
My little sister made the front page of our local news paper while sculpting her house.
Such a serious sculptor!

I'm also taking a stained glass class again. This time it is an adult and child class. So my sister and I are attending together and I get to help her along in making a sun catcher. Of course I get to make one too.
Gnome In Process
Here is my sun catcher in progress! A gnome from a wonderful book that Heidi (Digital Misfit) sent me ages ago. I brought mine home to work on since I don't get much done in class other than helping my sister, but that's ok I've done it before and know the process.

So I'm busy. Very busy! I have to start taking a bit more crafty time for me though!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Adventure Journals!

I purchase kits to teach coptic stitch binding from a wonderful etsy seller. Her name is Jean and she rocks my socks off, making fantastic custom kits for me. You can check out her stellar shop too.

Yesterday I completed teaching a two day class at my local art center. I taught the kids how to make a coptic stitch journal and then let them decorate any way they wanted. I encouraged them to use it to keep track of their summer time fun, such as vacations, camps, ect. They all had a blast and caught on amazingly fast. I taught grades 4-6. I've done it in the past with high school students as well, but their interest level was lower and they gave up after a few stitches. The younger kids took to it fast and had a blast.
Summer Adventure Journals
After they finished the decorating we went out on to the art center lawn where they sat and wrote in their journals and ran around playing tag. It was a great class!

I also have to share a shot of the front of the art center. My Mom planted the planters at our greenhouse and we donate them to the art center each year to dress up the front. They are so pretty! I take care of them since I'm only a couple blocks from the center. The art center is celebrating 100 years of the gorgeous building. It was our towns library until the late 80's. The city was going to tear down the building when a wonderful group of citizens stepped forward and asked if they could become custodians of the building. It was turned into the James Memorial Art Center in the early 90's. (It was the James Memorial Library) I'm on the board of directors now and help keep the building running as an art gallery and art center for local art classes for children, performances, and artist receptions. I'm very proud to be a member of the board and not only get to bring art to our community, but to help preserve this gorgeous building!
JMAC Art Center Entrance
Off to the art center to teach another days class!

Monday, June 13, 2011

WIP Sunday: Just To Busy!

I planned on blogging yesterday, really I did. I got so wrapped up in my project that by the time I was in the house I just couldn't drag myself to the computer. You will have to forgive me, but not only do I have a WIP I have a finished project!

I won the first back yard battle against the weeds! The herb garden is up and growing and ready to harvest from.
Herb Garden Before
I have always wanted some sort of fun stakes to label the herbs. Of course I know what they are, but the hubby can get confused when he goes out to harvest some to add to supper. I had the best idea and got the super handy hubby to cut out some mushroom shapes for me. Here is the backside after a coat of sealer.
Shroom Stakes WIP
Ta- Da! A new and improved herb garden!
Herb Garden After
Isn't it just the cutest!? I also have my wee tin pigs, a nice bench to sit on and smell the herbs, and my bottle tree created by my super talented Great Uncle. The stepping stones are flat field stones that we dug up when we moved in while we were redoing the yard. I love having them in the garden to stand on while harvesting.
Parsley Stake
I couldn't resist showing a close up of a finished stake. Oh, and I'm pretty proud of that gorgeous parsley plant too!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

So I don't toot my own horn, but I had to wish myself a Happy Birthday today! Unlike some people I love Birthdays. Mine or anyone else's. They just make me happy. A time to celebrate coming into the world.
Here I am when I came into this world 29 years ago today!

Also I want to thank my super duper wonderful crafty gal pal for her blog post! You can check it out here and see her amazing collection of free embroidery patterns. She is one talented chick!
Thanks to all my bloggy friends too for making another year of my life so much fun! I'm off to hum Happy Birthday and get ready for a special dinner!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

WIP Sunday: The Epic Battle Has Begun!

It is time. Each summer I begin my epic battle. Me vs. Weeds. The Hubby and I try to maintain a weed free yard. It really doesn't happen, but we set out to try just the same. With a couple days off the Hubby managed to almost rid the front yard of the nasties. I had four whole hours off and helped clean out another couple of beds. I stayed outside planting until late last night (10 pm and it was still light!). The front yard is almost complete! I have a few more things to plant in my shade bed.

Meet my Master Commander. I put this little guy in charge. He has rounded up the gnome troops and promised his service in keeping my yard weed free!
Master Commander

I snapped a photo of just a small, wee portion of the front beds. I just thought it looked so nice! There are lots more beds that look wonderfully weed free (for now). Oh, you can also see Merlin peeping from his favorite window seat in the pic too.
So It Begins

We'll be suiting up for the battle in the back yard soon. It got away from us last year thanks to neighbors that don't take care of their yard. Aaron has sprayed weeds and we will be tilling a couple beds to start from scratch. I'll do one big blog post of the complete yard when it is all finished! Crafting on hold while I fight the good fight!