Sunday, November 21, 2010

WIP Sunday: Please Let It End!

The kitchen remodel is really starting to feel never ending. I know I'll be so happy when it is done, but I'm hating the waiting part! Our last cupboard is still roaming around the country on a big truck with no definite date it will arrive. It is holding up the entire process! The hubby managed to start the floor prep in the dining room. The floor will only take a couple evenings to complete. I'm going to go buy paint next weekend and get that done and out of the way! I really want my house back! It needs a good cleaning and then I can start decorating for the holidays. The cleaning will take a week or more since I haven't been able to clean properly since we started to tear up the kitchen. So much dust and furniture everywhere!
Here is an in progress shot of the kitchen. That is our dining room table shoved in there filled with boxes of food that can't be put away with out the pantry that is on a world tour. See the gaping space on the right by the door way? That is where the pantry goes!
Kitchen WIP
After boring you to death with my kitchen woes I'll show you what is up next on the gift list. I have 3 wonderful friends that I get together to have coffee and quilt with on a regular basis. I bought this fabric to make them each something for Christmas. I can't say what I'm making as I think at least one of them reads this blog!
Coffee Gals Fabric
Oh, and the peacock quilt is off to the quilters hopefully tomorrow!

1 comment:

giddy99 said...

You poor dear; I had to wait TWO MONTHS for missing drawers and drawer fronts in my last kitchen remodel... :(

You're very brave to take that on at this time of year. Good luck and God bless!