Avinell Anjanette Born May 22, 2012 8lbs. 3 Oz. 21 Inches
I went in for my induction as planned and that is where the planning stopped! The induction was coming along fine until the nurse realized that Avinell's little head was tilted back! She was looking down and out instead of having a nice tucked chin. My labor was stressing her out because instead of coming down it was tilting her little head back further and further. The doctor came in and checked and tryed to get her to turn her chin with no luck so off to the operating room I went with Dad in tow. I was very concerned, but the team of doctors and nurses were amazing! I was in and out in no time with a beautiful little healthy girl! Dad got to go to the nursery with her for her check up and he helped with her first bath while I was getting all taken care of. I'm feeling surprisingly well and getting around pretty good. I'll heal in no time and having the Hubby home and helping is fantastic. I don't have access to all of the photos I'd like to share as I can't do the steps yet to get to my desktop computer. I'm using my work netbook to do this post.
Here is little Avinell all dressed up in her coming home outfit made by the amazing Heidi (Digital Misfit) She looked so darling! The nurses couldn't get over it. She is such a good baby! So cuddly, quiet, and an excellent eater.
I'll share more photos in a few days! We are one big happy family!